That’s it. Just “Hi.” That’s all I have to say to you today. Two little letters, one tiny word, absolutely no foundation on which to build a conversation. Just two measly letters and a hope that you will reply.
I know, I know… “Reply to what? You just said Hi!”
Well, that’s the point. “Hi,” is not an acceptable way to start a conversation, and I would like you to take this opportunity to strike it from your list of tactics.
Imagine, for a moment, you’re a prospective sugar daddy. You’re a wealthy and generous man, looking on dating website or app, for a girl that you can treat like a princess – Not any girl, mind you – You want a girl who can light up a room, hold your attention, and get you hanging on her every word. In short, you want a girl whose mere company is valuable. That’s a sugar baby in a nutshell.
Now imagine that, when you logged in to the website, looking for just that, you get a message from a new girl, with a hot profile photo (This is you, now). “Great news! Let’s spend some credits and see what this lil’ lady has to say! Let’s marvel at her ability to seduce me and hold me in her thrall…”
Then, after you spend the credits and read the message… “Hi.”
…and a lonely trombone wails its disapproval.
This isn’t a demonstration that you are a woman whose mere company is valuable. It’s not impressive, and it doesn’t draw the viewer in. It simply opens up a line of communication. Worse yet, it leaves it all up to the sugar daddy to get the conversation started!
It’s our responsibility to engage and entice a sugar daddy into a conversation – Just as it’s a sugar daddy’s responsibility to invest in the conversation (in the form of site credits), and then later to invest in the actual relationship. Why would you want to start a sugar dating relationship (or potential relationship) with someone by giving him the feeling of being slightly cheated?
Try these guidelines to write an introductory message that provokes a response, that leads to a conversation, that leads to a first sugar date:
Introduce yourself – Even if your name is in your handle, it’s a good thing to start with
Talk about him – Comment on something in his profile, or on his pictures. Compliments are always a good idea
End on a question – It’s a knee-jerk reaction, and a bit of a dirty trick – When people hear a question, they take it as a cue that it’s their turn to stop listening and start talking. Often, they will jump right into replying, without thinking too much about the answer. Once they’ve answered the question you asked, they’ll just keep right on talking, and the next thing you know, you’ll have a lot of things to respond to!